
Hearts of Oak

Fall is finally here. It’s alarming how giddy the turn in seasons makes me each year. Sure, October heralds my birthday and its gentle push toward 40, but there’s just something so wonderful about switching to long sleeves and jackets. The crisp morning air is just awesome for long, meandering bike rides, taking junior to pick out pumpkins, and haggling with my wife over what ridiculous costume we’ll put him in for Halloween. Most folks associate fall with the colors, but for some reason I can’t do anything but make duotones this year. Maybe a drive up to the mountains is called for.

The top image is from Media’s Glen Providence Park, a park in which I had been meaning to visit for ages. Thanks to good Flickr soul Ralph Nardell for the reminder to do so, especially since Max has been dealing with what appears to be parvovirus all week. Hooray for the petri dishes known as daycare! The below image is from West Mill Creek Park in Lower Merion. If you’re picking up on the park vibe, it’s because it keeps us all happy in times of germ warfare.


Happy fall. Hope there’s a cup of mulled cider in your future.

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