
Billboard’s Top 20

It’s been a great year, photographically. From a glut of paying jobs, licensing out of nowhere, and winding up in a book about the transformation of the Globe Dye Works and Stuff Magazine, I’ve been incredibly fortunate in 2012. Last week, I got even more great news. As I blogged a few weeks ago, Philly Photo Day is a great event that the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center runs and it provides a great slice of life and look at the diversity – from neighborhood to neighborhood – that makes this city so great. This year, the submissions doubled, from 900 to 1,800, and PPAC will be displaying all of them at their spot in the Crane Arts building starting with a reception December 6 at 6 p.m. In addition, PPAC also selected 20 images to be displayed on billboards across the city. I’m excited, ecstatic, over the moon – and pretty much every other adjective you can think of – that my image “Waiting for Customers, Chinatown” was chosen for a billboard. I’ve known for about five days, and it still blows my mind. Here’s a map of all 20 billboards, with thumbnails of all the images chosen. Hidden City Philadelphia has also pulled together a two-part sneak peak of some of the images. You can find part one here… If you come to the opening – and you really should – make sure you say hello! I’ll be the guy with a camera.

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