
Play Misty for Me

It seems approriate that I write this today, given that our near-2-year-old has been cutting his eye teeth and suffering through a tremendous relapse of what is, I’m guessing, separation anxiety. Given the four hours of sleep we’ve all been getting, my brain is mush and my thoughts just as foggy as the subject matter here. So, chalk my brevity up to being completely wrecked.


Regardless, a few weeks ago we were gifted with fog as thick and long lasting as anything I’ve seen this side of Maine. Couple that with a day where the kiddo actually slept in and dad was up and feeling fresh, and you’ve got a good day of shooting on your hands.


I ran into a fellow photographer at Media’s Rose Tree Park (site of the three dawn redwoods about) shooting large format with a field camera, which has rekindled my latent interest in film. I forgot how fun it is to take it slow, shooting only 16 frames for a roll of 120 film (on a Mamiya 645), and waiting anxiously for the negs and scans to come back from the lab. It’s been too long. Pro packs of Fuji Reala and 400H have been ordered from B&H.


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